Monday, July 25, 2016

A Sexual Abuse

“I say,” he told me, “that if you ever need a favour from someone, you won't get it, at least not very easily, unless that someone is a horny person, and the target for that kind of horniness can be you!”

“Why do you say that?!” I asked. “It seems to me that everyone could feel like doing someone a favor now and then, and that this goes with or without that person being horny about it!”

“Bullshit!” countered. “I for one wouldn't be doing the favor for anyone of realizing he was a cool enough fellow for my companionship, were it without my dick standing for him as well as my mind being set on that we can we can be of mutual interest for one another!”

“I guess you're saying,” I answered, “that you don't pertain to that I am a friend unless you and I are also sexually interested in one another?”

“I mean that you are not interesting for me unless I can feel sexually interested in you!”

I looked at him. For the first time I realized that all that he wanted was som esor tof sexual relationship, although he wasn't from the beginning the seemingly a really awfully sexual kind of person. Since we sere only children, I didn't feel like pretending as though I shouldn't match his certifier, at least as I also otherwise would very likely be almost without friends.

“How about this, then,” I asked him, “you and I go to your mother and find out what she thinks about your idea of us having to have sex?!”

“I guess you can deal with it like that, since your mother isn't exactly like my own!” he said threateningly. “I propose now that we both go there and find out what she wants, and what she would like to see of us doing it together!”

Stunned I looked a little bit away from him, passed him, into the trees that were behind him. I didn't feel like looking straight into his face, but I also didn't feel like missing anything much of what was going on in his behavior. “I feel that she's different from what I thought she would be, if what you tell me is true!”

He giggled. “I know! But now that you've said we aught to get her involved I propose we both go there and find out!”

I stood there perplexed at the thought of finding both him and his mother probably sex addicts! It had never occurred to me that this new friend in my new town was into severe sexual exploitation, now of me, since I just happened to have liked him to begin with!

He stood before me with a little grin on him. He didn't seem to mind that I felt insecure about what he had just said. I felt that it would be stupid to say to myself that he was trying to convince me that he was going to be into innocence about this issue anymore, now for a while. I proposed thereby that we do go and see her, and further even that we also do attempt to convince her that we were actually good friends about it. Little did I realize that this is exactly what he had wanted!

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