Monday, July 25, 2016

Satan's Girls

“Oh, God! That's an hilarious attitude!” he said and smiled at her.

“No! I don't feel that I'm being hilarious! Instead I feel that I can envy you for being smart at presenting yourself as immoral, but without reprisal from those who aren't into that type of immorality!”

“But that's exactly what you've been doing, haven't you! I see that you're into porn and stuff, and not ready to take into account that they've condemned it as for all eternity!”

“That's precisely my only trick for having it there should be no reprisal for actual extravagance of evil!”

He giggled. “Then how come you're not into porn like all the time? I figure you would be the brilliant porn star to be having an affair with, and then that would settle you and that dude - whomever you feel like having, almost! - to an eternity of punishing them for trivializing that they could not reach you with their Christianity!”

“I hate that you don't get that part about us! We don't have it there should be an eternity of punishment for not pressuring themselves into being more inclined for punishing! How come you think you're so clever when they are about tormenting your soul as if for all eternity!?”

“I can't say I have any idea what you're talking about!”

“You guys seem to feel that it's cleverer to be into eternity of penalty and then somehow get away from it all, even without penalty in reprisal! I figure that when I do porn I can manage to do almost that, but I'm missing one part, the part that says why I'm unpunishable and they should leave it at that!”

He looked at her. “I feel I can't say we're any more enviable than you are in that respect!”

“Then how come you can already feel secure in that you won't be punished in that you hate the priests for almost punishing you!?”

“Oh! That's simply because I don't feel I am punishable for it! That's all!”

“How can you feel that when you're all into that you should be extravagant in saying to them that they're stupid?”

“I can't feel you couldn't be inclined to do so! I mean without your porn, wouldn't you still be capable of doing that?!”

“No! I can't deal with it that way! Not without being pornographic!”

“I propose then that you act even more porny!”

“I think I shall! But I cannot figure out a way to feel that even porniness will always be enough for setting them off limits from reaching to their capacity to penalize!”

“I deal with that as if they were nonsense even from the beginning, and I can't really say there isn't any way there could be that same shit for you girls to be dealing with about them!”

“Then how come there isn't any real inclination for you to settle for me as teh evil that shouldbe defended, unless there's porn in me!?”

Thoughtfully, he answered: “There's absolutely no way that you couldn't be evil enough if there was only the way to deal with eternity that deals with destiny as though there wasn't any tomorrow without that type of evil to go with it!”

“How come, then, do we have to deal with evil as though it wasn't there to begin with, except - for me that is - when being utterly sexual!?”

“It's because they cannot understand that part of reality! And, I guess, if you don't get that part without being porny, then you'll just have to continue being it!”

“I suppose then that you want us all to be porny for the sake of that you should be seen as evil enough to justify our porniness with that attitude of being immoral without any sense to it! Moreover, they seem to feel there's not any issue of being moral in actual porniness, while with you they can deal with your evils as though they were potentially good somehow! ...”

“I propose ow that there be evil so that they can see it for even the likes of you to be having for the sake of eternalizing satan for the soul of being evil enough for the fright against the Christians to be evil enough for them to be unable to end our souls!”

“I cannot find that to be anything but attempted cunning in pretending that we could deal with that kind of stuff as though we were not into it for the sake of cleverly finding ourselves cunning in finding our souls to be of the absolute smartness for even trying to find eternity smartly, although there aren't necessarily any inclinations for that to begin with!”

“I find there to be reason enough for you - and those other women around here - to be into thereby judging yourselves to be the eternal porn dolls that we should be into amusing ourselves, and perhaps you to, with!”

“I can't find that to be amusing to begin with, except possibly without a whole lot of praise to begin with!”

“I feel I've already given you a lot of praise in that sense!”

She looked sad and determined to have it she wasn't praised at all by him. “I feel you aren't the cat to have me seem like I'm into this for the sake of destiny to be determined to seem worthy of feeling me be of virtue for ever, or that is, to determine me to be free form their hell when I've finished this experience of being a Satanist!”

“Then I'll help you with that part of it all!” he said with some dignity.

“I can now feel that I am part of it all, and not just some mere sex object that you'll abuse forever when they finally reach my evils of cunning against them!”

“There's no cunning against them that they couldn't be reaching without us having the ability to judge them as eternal about not realizing evil to be of virtue for the smart- and good-enough-for-it people!”

“I challenge you thereby to the experience of having me seem actual about their morals while I'm really humiliating their souls by having sex seem ridiculous not to have for them!”

“Okay! I'll try to do that!”

The next day she went to church clad in a see-through dress and underwear that matched her hair couloir. She fixed her attention at the priest who was gonna hold the sermon. By dealing with him as the virtue of her cunt, she also led him and those around him to believe Jesus Christ was her cunt.

“I believe it shall be evil hereafter in that church,” she said afterwards.

The other Satanists praised her. Two other women said they found it in them to go there and take care of the rest. In this they had a virtue of being immoral for eternity by praising the church as though it were an establishment for pretending its followers were sly and actual about immoral, though never cunning at admitting it.

Slyly the three of them eventually turned the church into an institution for having sex seem real except for on the surface. They even convinced a priest to be with them about it. Moreover they convinced a few church goers, too. And among these church goers were two females who felt like hereafter doing the same trick for the gain of Satan. It was not obvious for either them to begin with, but one eventually became a Satanist. She stood for that sin hereafter be what the church should promote for the sake of actual evil to prosper. The other one promoted evil in that sense too, but stayed subconscious about it.

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