Monday, July 25, 2016

Erik's Friends

Philip felt like telling a friend that he nowadays felt fairly well into gay life, and then have this friend try it out with him. But he fretted also that this friend might be disappointed with him if he did. Thereby he thought out that his friend Erik could be seen as the guy to begin with. Because this friend of his was much into him as the type of fellow not to be reckoned with as the guy to despise, thanks to that the two of them had stuck together for a very long time.

Knocking at Erik's door, Philip awaited for him to open. He then thought about his penis and felt that it was semi-erect. As Eric opened and greeted him, Philip felt that the semi-erection grew a little. Then, entering his friends home, he felt the erection disturb his well-being, in that his underwear was too tight now for his penis. He thereby cooled his thoughts about sex for a while.

The errand he had decided to have at his friend's house was to discuss his friend's mother's peculiar attitudes about his friend's nature regarding Dan, Philip himself and the rest of the guys in their gang. So the first thing he said to Erik after greeting him was: “Do you know what, your mother could have the luck to seem to be innocent while they seem to be guilty, I mean Dan and the other one's!”

“Do you mean when she says to me that I have to regard them as dangerous just because they're into fun about mischief and poking fun at people who aren't when we're talking about them.”

“Yeah! I mean mostly that! But I mean also the way that you and I sort of were into pretending that studs are smarter then girls the other day!”

“Oh, you mean that too? Why is that important to you?!”

“It's because you and I could have it they're all losers if we wanted to, apart from that mom of yours!”

Erik chuckled a bit smugly. “I don't have any notion of you and I coming to that sort of a triumph with them! In fact it never crossed my mind that we guys are so much smarter than girls that we really should consider them all to be losers to something!”

“I mean we are the smarter ones just because they interfere with our kinds of friendships! And thereby they are the losers in that they would wanna be friends with you and me!”

“How do you mean they should be seen as losers, Phil?”

“I suppose you don't see that Ann fancies the two of us! In fact she would really want to get into bed with both of us - and perhaps even one of us at a time would do for her!”

“Gee, then. But so what, actually?!”

“It's about that we shouldn't be seen as the mediocre people for just as long as we stick together, even by humiliating them about sex and love!”

“Oh! Now I see were you're coming from.” Erik replied. Phil felt his penis rise.

“Therefore,” Phil continued, “we should try to be together about both those things as well!”

“Are you sure this is the right way to deal with them?!”

“Yeah, I'm sure about it! You know, I really had this fellow with me for it a few years ago. He and I tried to stick together even for sexual reasons! Thereby we had fun and we could really point them out as silly compared to ourselves! You and I should try it some day! You know, because I haven't been infected with anything for it! So you and I can play it safe and you can learn how to handle that situation when they are really seen as supreme unless we guys stick together!”

Hesitantly Erik let himself be deceived into sex with his close buddy. But after a few days he felt a sensation of being ridiculous by everybody else's comparison. Even so he continued having sex with his buddy, since he proclaimed this to be something that happened only to begin with. “The real good stuff comes when you've learnt to see passed that notion of yourself!” he said. “I felt that way for the first two weeks, with that fellow I told you about! But now, after a few months, I feel really ery much better than I used to without this type of pride in me!”

After a few months Erik still felt ridiculous. But his friend kept on convincing him to continue. Moreover, he also had him pretend to be very self assured.

But after a whole year had passed, Erik finally spoke out to his friend. “You now, Phil, I don't feel that this is getting me anywhere! How can they seem to be so stupid by your standards when they aren't by mine?!”

“I assure you that's just because they don't want you to realize that you actually want to be with men more than with them! I assure you, if you tried another man than me for a while, then you'd realize that they are cunning only for the sake of their fancy for you and whoever else is into sex with only men in it!”

“Why then shouldn't I try to be without men for a while, because I don't feel like pretending they're all silly - or stupid! I don't feel like pretending they don't wanna make any points that perhaps couldn't have been made without them! I don't feel like pretending they're all bad. Therefore I feel that this sex between us isn't really good enough for it!”

“I can see you want to pretend you didn't nail that girl the other day who was saying to us that she found us strange and awkward! Are you sure that you really could have done that without sex between men?”

“No I'm not! But I'm sure that it's not very necessary for me to pretend as if something about that they might become sort of, even, the ones to be seen as immature - if if it does eventually pertain to even every circumstance with them!”

When he had said that his cell phone rang. he answered it, and there was his mother on the other end of the line. She told him to try to be a bit smarter at avoiding that kid John. “I assure you,” she told him, “it's not good to hang around with that kind of a guy!”

“I don't know why they are so damned frightening for you, mom! But I assure you that he is not the scariest guy I could be into being with at present! I can assure you mom, that he isn't - and will probably not ever be - anything near the worst of the guys! I think he is actually just a stud who is not very interesting, actually. Even so I find him, and all the others, to be rather good people to be hanging with!”

“Then you should know that they all are into the kinds of stuff that you should avoid!”
Eric sighed. “I guess there's no use in talking to you about that mom! But I still don't believe them to be as bad as the person whom you might believe is my former best friend!”

“Who do you mean by that?”

“No, I didn't mean him specifically,” Eric pretended. “I meant just about anyone who was supposedly that kind of best of friends!”

“I don't know what you're talking about! I say that your best friends are the only ones to be still your friends after the others have gone!”

“Then what do you mean by talking to me as though my best friends weren't the ones to think about as long-standing, not only as friends, but also as problems, to the extent they are that! Mom, I have a problem with my best friend Steve, for example! He seems to want to manipulate me into a life of hustling nowadays! And do you know what?! I don't really have any real best friends anymore! The good friends they once were have just disappeared, and now what is left is only the fake friends that were ones my best friends!”

“Do you know what?! I think you should be avoiding that friend Steve from now on! Now, is there anyone else on your mind, or should I hang up the phone and say to myself that there's not any - or at least hardly any - further trouble that you need to tell me about?!”

“Mom, I'm not sure I can tell you everything right now. But I feel we have a weekend when we can look forward to speaking to each other about both my best friends and all the other friends of mine that you suspect of being as dangerous as that”

“Why do you think I can spend my weekend talking to you when you can't speak up to me during this cell-phone conversation!?”

“I assure you that if you should worry at all, then you should take the time to spend the weekend talking about it all! Because maybe then you'll finally find out who my best friends aren't and who they are in an actual sense!”

“Then how come you don't come over here right away!? Or is there someone sitting there with you right now, or something!?”

“Yeah, he's what I could call my real best friend right now, but at the same time he really isn't a friend at all!”

“Then you should even less stay with him! I propose that you come eat with us! Both I and your daddy will prefer to see you tonight!”

“Okay, mom! I'll be there at dinner!” With that he ended the call, and said to his best friend Phil that he was going to have dinner at his parents place. Thereby he had also insinuated that he didn't pertain to finding him, Phil, more amusing than even his parents!

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