Monday, July 25, 2016

Steve's Girlfriend

Peter laughed. “I don't think it's really anything but the gays who are that!”

But his friend Steve insisted. “Don't they have anything but the main kind of sadism in them, you say? It's not very likely that she is a sadist just because she's lesbian!”

“Yes, it is!”

“No it isn't!”

“I presume you don't know what she will do to you if she has the chance to fake that you should seem to be guilty about all she does and perhaps a little more!”

Steve looked thoughtful. Then he said: “I don't think you're anything but into prejudice! Why should I have to expect that from her just because she's thrilling and fun to be with in that she likes girls better than boys?!”

Peter sighed. “Don't you realize that she's cunning as hell in pretending that they are the ones who deserve her sexuality, while you will seem to be nothing but the fake that she always hated to have to be with!”

“I don't have any notion that tells me that she will really harm any of my reputation or so, since she already committed herself to me by saying I should be the only one to ever be part of that lesbian activity, except her and the dykes!”

“Steve! I know you aren't going to believe me then! But from here on, you are an untrustworthy guy for me. And I can't help it, but you will also be low enough for me to be expected to feel that fake is real and that real is fake, from now on!”

Steve looked at Peter with astonishment. After a while he replied that he would thereby view Peter as the type of fellow who was prejudice to the extent that he couldn't even imagine a gay person to be anything but dangerously tricky and awfully false, or something! With this he ended the conversation and then went to his car to drive over to Rafaela and tell her about the situation with his now former buddy Peter.

Raphaela laughed. She said: “I will consider that a statement of a typical imbecile about what justice is, and about what I shall be for you, Steve!”

Steve looked at her and mused. “I hope they will all agree with that though, the friends you will sometimes have over for some more of that lesbian sex that you've had me part of!”

“We shall from now on, Peter, be a couple that triumphs over immoral of society by pretending as if something about the charm of lesbian sex compared to all that some fake that it isn't real about the good-enough-for-society and beyond, standards of moral and anything else they could want! But of course, you like me,” she said smilingly, “should not accept their standards of that other men than you, my dear, should ever be even close to having the responsibility of being the sole male of the context!”

“No, of course, dear!” he answered, and smiled back. He then watched her grab her phone and saw her call what he presumed was some friend of hers. He solemnly overheard a conversation she had with the girl who had answered, and then after a while with her mother. It was clear for him that he would from now on be seen as the very essence of turning the hetero women into lesbians.

A few days later, Raphaela asked Steve to help her seduce a young half lesbian into becoming an enthusiast for lesbian sadomasochism, of more extreme kind than she was inclined to ever imagine before that. Steve looked at a picture of her, which Raphaela showed him. He smiled and answered that he would happily help her seduce that girl.

Ten days later, they had a party, where that girl was invited. There were four other extreme and, according to his girlfriend sadomasochistic, lesbians there, whom he noted might be of assistance for seducing her. Firstly, though, he went to her and spoke gently about this party being only for girls and about himself being the only male person there. She shrugged and said that it was “because your wife obviously had preferred to invite only lesbians there.” He asked, then, how she felt about that, to which she answered that she was happy with either many girls or just a few of them, just as long as she didn't have to be the only one of her own gender. Then he indicated two of the extreme lesbians he had thought of earlier for her, and asked her if she fancied either one of them. She said that she liked the black-haired one, but that the blond seemed out-of-context for her. Thereby, he could conclude that he would say to his girlfriend that she was into black-haired women, but that she could also prefer to sadomasochistically treated as the kind of girl who was to be thought of as a sadomasochist who disliked blonds and thereby could be having one for sadism. For that's the way it had seemed to him during the conversation with her.

After Steve had said this to her, Raphaela approached the girl and told her she was lesbian and that she preferred blonds. She watched the girl glare at her for a short while, after which the girl said: “I prefer blackheads, but I could go for a blond if only there was a way to get them to find themselves to be hardy in a way that would indicate them to be of other competences than one expect.”

“Okay, dear! But then why don't we go and say to her, for example” she indicated another extreme-lesbian blond girl than the one he had indicated, “that she would be cute if she harassed someone with an air of arrogance that should shift her charm into something thrilling?”

The girl giggled a little. “I can't go there and tell her to be that way! Why don't you just go there and tell her yourself!? By the way, I spoke to your husband recently, and he also said that blond girls were preferable as long as they're into some attitude of sadism. Is that what the two of you are into, trying to seduce me into thinking blond women shall be something for me to prefer, in at least that sense, or something?”

“I presume that you don't know how to treat a woman the way she should be treated in order to suit your interests?!”

“I suppose that if I simply go there and talk to her, she wouldn't try to be open-minded with me about her sexual preferences! Besides, how do I even know that she's a lesbian - I mean apart from seeing her here, at this lesbian event of yours!”

“I can show you how to speak to her, as though she was a sadist in the first place, and then to insinuate for her that one has to be sadomasochistic for being real in the sense that is cool to be at this type of a party!”

The girl smiled covertly. “Okay!” she answered, and looked at her. “Okay, let's go and try that for a while!”

Raphaela smiled back and said: “I will show you now, if you follow along how to seduce almost any lesbian into becoming a sadist!”

The girl finished her forth glass of whine, and then she followed Raphaela along.

When they came to the blond woman whom Raphaela had indicated, she was conversing with a brown-haired girl who seemed rather uninterested in the conversation. “There are no indications,” Raphaela told her, “to say that you couldn't be making contact a lot more easily!”

“I presume that you really seem to be the one to tell me that, are you!?”

Raphaela smiled, and held her beer mug beside her crotch. “Yeah! I think I am the one to decide to which extent one should say to oneself that there's a need for something more interesting to deal with at a party like this one!”

The blond woman looked at her, and then at the teenager beside her. “Okay, but then let's just decide who is going to be worth it to hang around with! I can't see that you're making so much more contact than I am!” she indicated the girl she had just looked at.

“I will prove to you that she and I can seduce you into feeling an ecstasy about how you want to feel with that girl who seems to be a bit displaced with you!”

“I can feel it now that you are going to seduce me, the two of you!”

The girl she had been talking to looked at the three of them. “I feel that she has a need to be responsible enough to realize that there are other girls for me to be tempted by, than those who are old enough to be almost like my mother or something!”

Raphaela drank from her mug and said: “Do you know what? You seem to be the tpe of youngster who could really need some introduction to the real responsibilities of being a woman! Perhaps you could just charm her, and then you'll feel, perhaps, the notion of being a woman come to you for the benefit of the actual maturity for girls or women who seem just right for the girl of young age that you are!”

The blond woman looked at the two of them. then she said: “Alright, let's introduce both of us to the benefits of being a charmed girl and a charmed woman, respectively!”

“I presume the two of you feel up to being into sex with us, for the benefit of seeing the light of real attitudes about sex that suit a girl or woman to be into, as long as she keeps on seeing it in herself to be of seductive kind and then also sees it in herself to increase that seductiveness over and over. ...”

The blond looked skeptical. So did the young girl she had tried to converse with. They looked at Raphaela, than at each other and then back to Raphaela. Then the woman asked: “How in the world could you expect that to be a smart thing to expect from oneself!?”

“I can by showing you how to be sadomasochistic, but with an edge of reality, so that charm flourishes with it! I can by the means of seeing to it that everyone likes sadomasochism have them feel inferior and at the same time perfectly in power! I can thereby by power of sadomasochism lead you all to realize what it is to be a woman of charm and power over her environment for the sake of sensuality and power of humility!”

The girl whom the blond had been talking to then said: “I feel that you don't have any power to seduce us any better than I can seduce you! Besides you don't seem any better than the girl beside you at it! How can you say that you shall introduce us to sadomasochism in a way that turns us into seductresses, without that meaning that you already in that case should have ability to seduce us all!?”

“Then I will go to my boyfriend and tell him not to interfere, and thereby I shall introduce you to the all-women act of realizing that the charm comes form sticking together about seduction and immaturity!”

The blond giggled a little. “I've tried that trick a few times, but now I can find you as unattractive as I about how to seduce the women, or young girls, whom you want to deal with as though they were trying to be smart at being a woman of your kind!”

“I will not permit that kind of statement in my house! Now you will all kindly leave, so that I and my guy can fix the place for the charm that it needs in order to seduce better the next time!”

With that the party ended.

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