“How can we,” Rebecca asked, “feel
confident without there being the insinuation about us that we are
insinuative ourselves about the feeling of immaturity to be of virtue
for all sadism there is!?”
“I don't know!” her friend
answered. He looked at her and continued: “I feel that we don't
have anything much against us anyway, somehow! It's not like they
actually can harass us about being bad, is it? I mean now that we're
trying to pretend as if nothing so much that they don't really have a
clue about our hopes, there is also of any possibility, is there,
that they continue pursuit of what we're after once we seem to be an
ordinary fairly happy couple!?”
“Then we should all try to have it we
all are into happiness just for the sake of being real about not
answering to calls from the decadent and corrupt people that we used
to - we could say - be willing to deal with! Right?!”
“Right! Therefore, I can't feel
there's really any charm in pretending as if nothing at this stage!
We could, couldn't we, be insinuative of our ability to be cool about
not being evil, once we don't feel like it!”
“I feel we have to pretend as if
nothing, because evil is not to be viewed as something they will
forget if we care about! I also feel they should be caring about the
insinuations that we are evil as were they shallow!”
“I can't feel that it makes any
difference for me if we seem evil now or just pretend as if nothing
from now on, apart from the difference it makes that we in that case
don't have the guts to see to it that they respect our assets for
“I can't see that as an asset! It's
not our assets that it's about, seeming evil while we actually could
seem to be good people, who don't care about being evil without
remorse, even for exceptions!”
“Then I shall see to it that they
don't ever find out about my lusts for sinning while contemplating on
how to revel in their agony about being sinful themselves. But I
won't pretend as though I wasn't evil enough to fake that evil
someday would be of gain for me to be into! I won't have it we aren't
capable of having it they are the evil ones while intimidating them
by being evil ourselves!”
“I can't see why you and I should not
be evil together? And thereby I cannot tell how come they don't feel
that we should be viewed as the couple that are good people, although
we both can know that we don't care about very much goodness!”
“I don't see in you to be able to
take my stands at all about this! Therefore I won't accept you as my
partner anymore! Besides, I've gotten myself another girl on the
side, and she's not going to be as dumb as you are on this issue!”
“I have also had partners on the
side! I can perhaps be into one or two of them in order to compensate
for that!”
“Then I won't care about how my ass
is on the line for you since that time last year when we decided to
be partners!”
“Alright! But I won't care about the
way they feel that I've been up to loving you while I already had two
other boyfriends when we hooked up!”
“So what?! I feel they aren't
anything but mature enough not to respect you for being that imbecile
who wants to pretend evil is about immaturely having it one is smart
at seeming to feel evil is good or something!”
“I don't feel that way about it! I
feel that one has to hide one's lusts in the first place, and then
one has to expose them as though they weren't there in the first
place! Therefore the result will be seemingly that it's evil that I
pretend to be, but evil is not to be shown for them all, if one is to
be clever!”
“Then why do you pretend as if
something about the sadism you had when I was into pretending you
were that good woman who shouldn't be harassed by the people who find
themselves to be immature if they don't pursue or at least harass the
evils they see?”
“I don't know why! But somehow I felt
right then, that it should be shown that I was smart at being evil
although it didn't show all the time. I felt that it was about time
to be showing it off; but I don't feel like being obvious about it
when it's not smart at keeping a surface intact for the sake of
pretension that it's not evil otherwise!”
“How come then aren't you being evil now, with the thought of pretending as if something about evil being
immaturity of some kind, which then turns out to be evil in itself?!”
“It's because I don't feel like
telling everyone about my business in being evil!”
“Then it's not about the respect we
should have for other evil people that you are! How come you have it
I don't have the respect I should have, when it's you who aren't
dealing with it as though it was respect we should have?!”
“I don't feel I haven't given you all
the respect you should have! I don't feel there's any problem I could
have if it weren't for that you pretended I was evil in the first
“I can't pretend that you're evil
when you're being surface good all the time! Why do you say I'm
pretending when you're not at all susceptible of the notion of being
evil? Or at least of being evil so it shows in a good sense?!”
“Richard! It's not I , it's you who
are that kind of dumb! It's not I but it's you who have been
pretending as if nothing about that we're evil in church! It's not I
but you who has been into evil as though it weren't a smart attitude
to show off at occasions when one can show it off so that it pays
“Bullshit! I haven't pretended they
aren't immature when they aren't evil! But you have, you little lying
bitch who thinks they should be treated as though they were the
better ones and then wants to rebel against me as though I wasn't the
one to humiliate them!”
“I cannot revolt against your attitude
about me! I cannot revoke that feeling you have about my ass being
evil in too obscure ways for there being the right, for you,
humiliation against those who are into good and humility! Because I
cannot feel evil is enough to say when those people are around for us
to revolt against! I cannot feel I have a revolution if I don't hide
my ass for them! It's not us, it's them that it should expose, when
we do something against the good and faithful.”
“Then why don't you feel that we are
into goodness simply for the sake of being absolute about trying to
pretend as if nothing?! Instead you feel that there isn't any object
of communication in anyone who isn't smart at goodness! How come do
you feel that there aren't any good virtues they would pretend as if
something about!?”
because I don't feel like being
the kind of woman who can't seem to be innocent once they start
accusing! I feel there's not any point in not seeming innocent to the
extent they can be pretending we're bad! That's why I've been chosing
not be evil at occasions when evil is not to be seen as mediocre, and
not on occasions when it was just a tool for seeming perfect at being
smart at nailing those who aren't evil!”
“I can thereby not feel up to giving
you any harassment! But I feel there's no clue to how you can react
that way to the evils that even without that are bad enough for
nailing them!”
“I will from now on see to it that
I'll be the one to be asked about what is evil and what isn't! I
moreover assume that you aren't competent enough to see evil as the
smartness that should be kept smart! Instead you're just wasting that
evil like an asset for you not to be thrifty with!”
With that she closed the door that she
had been holding for the latter part of the conversation. She left
his house and drove away in her car. After two years, she returned
and talked to him about what they had been doing. It turned out that
neither of them could find other opposite-gender partners who found
their assumptions about when to pretend as if nothing or something
about evil to be sound!
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