Monday, July 25, 2016

Smart Stupidity

“How can she despise us so much?” Cecilia asked her mother, about the girl who had recently had them seem like idiots about that they weren't established as members of society.

“It's clearly because she doesn't feel you are arrogant enough, the she and her friends are, I presume!”

“Then when shall I and my friends seem to be the best there can be about boys and how they should be treated for the mutuality they want and I deserve to be part of with them?”

“It's by pretending they are not as evil as she and her friends are! That way you can win lots of boys, although you're not as pretty, even, not to mention not as clever!”

“Oh! I see! That's fun!”

Her mother smiled at her. “Yeah, it can be a whole lot of fun to feel they're interactive but still yours for the sake of that mutuality!”

“Then I shall go out and get myself a damned lot of boyfriends!”

“I see that you can't appreciate the notion of that your mother wants you to be a smart girl at feeling secure with one man at a time! I assure you that you won't feel secure with more than one at a time, if you don't pretend they're imbecile by your comparison!”

“I will then try to find a boyfriend that is really good to have, mama!”

“You do that, Cecilia!”

She did. Cecilia went out and looked for a boy to have for a boyfriend. She decided that he should be both sexy and cute. Moreover he should be a boy that wants other boys as well as her. She therefore decided to find that boy at the local bar for those kinds of men that prefer other guys. Established as it was, that gay bar had a fairly gay disco to it. But it wasn't only for the gays to go to, she knew. It was open for the kinds of girls who were smart at catching a gay man for the night, because the gay fellows wanted the hetero type of guy to feel fairly comfortable around there.

When there, Cecilia saw a hunk who was sipping a drink through a straw, and who had lots of muscles and was checking her out. “This will do!” she thought for herself. Thereby she went forward to him and said: “Hello! My name is Cecilia Anderson!”

“Hi! I'm Carl!” the hunk said.

“I see that you have the straw for sucking up that alcohol, which I also would want to suck up!”

“I don't mind you sucking just a little of it!” the hunk said. And there it was! Cecilia got a new boyfriend. She screwed him every night for two weeks, twice even with some other hunk there too! Now Cecilia was really happy! From here and onwards she would like every guy she ran into the same way and thereby get to screw them all with their boyfriends, she thought for herself.

But after two weeks she broke up with him, just in order to get herself some other boyfriend. This time she targeted a rather thin guy with glasses. He wasn't up to being totally gay about her, he said, but she insisted that he be like the guy before him had been. Thereby, she got him in bed with two other guys there. Then he broke up and told some other guys about her.

These guys started studying her and then they together began to spread a rumour about a new nymphomaniac in town.

She eventually got to know this. By then she had gone through four other boyfriends and five times in bed with at least two guys at once. But she didn't feel guilty. Instead she went to her mother and wept, while also telling her that “these mean bastards had begun to spread a rumour about her! It was as if she was the world's worst nymphomaniac! But she had only done what a good girl should do!” she told her.

Her mother comforted her and said: “You shall thereby be strong in that they can't pretend they are better than you! Because had they been that, then they wouldn't have started the rumours in the first place! You are such a good girl that they are just jealous that they can't find anyone like you!” she told her.

“I know, mama! But they keep on spreading these rumours and they really get people to believe that I really am that kind of a girl!”

“I shall see to it that they don't get anywhere with that blackmail!” her mother assured her.

After a few weeks, Cecilia began to notice that the rumours had changed. She was now seen as the victim of those five guys whom she had been girlfriend to. This her mother had achieved by talking to the local priest and a few others who were respected in their town.

Cecilia thereby started getting boyfriends by the essence of their sympathy for her. She even adapted a strategy of absolutely faking that she was very sorry and worried about how things were in society, and so. In order to keep the act going, she also adapted a strategy for always telling some people about whatever new guy she had, as though she had been mistreated by him. She kept on exaggerating everything that was anything of that he could be horny with other girls, sometimes even if that was only a perhaps. She still managed to seem so pitiful that people hated the guys she had, and always kept on saying to each other that he was to blame for all of her “mistakes” - or possibly vengeances, they told each other.

Two years later Cecilia and her mother moved from that town to a city. There, she also got herself rumoured about as if innocent and sexually taken advantage of. She also got herself laid with many boys, and thereby caught aids, which she blamed all guys she had had for, but couldn't really determine who could be the actual source or source of it.

She and her mother blamed her retardation for the fact that she had smitten at least five guys, one of whom was now suing her. She thereby felt notions of herself as bad and dumb, since she hadn't been labelled retarded since she was only seven. The school she went to after that actually said that she wasn't quite dumb enough for that label, except if she clearly wasn't able to communicate. This was because she was rather fast at learning to write, read and calculate, though not really well enough to ever be impressive, they said.

In spite of this, Cecilia pretended to be a dumb enough girl not to be able to see that HIV spread when one had sex. She was able to pull this by pretending as if something about her low grades, which were all close to failing, and by putting on an act of being silly enough to be mistaken about which boys were worth targeting for the night.

Her mother thereby stood for that she was an abuse victim, and that she should be treated as such. Her former boyfriends should all be viewed as sophisticated at maltreating her, and her decency, she told them. In the context, the people she spoke to fell for it, and sent her to a rehabilitation centre for those sexually abused.

But when there, she immediately abused two boys who were there. It was discovered and she was sent to another place, which treated those who were both abused and abusive. But even there she abused boys, three of them this time around. After that she was sent to a place for only female offenders, where she cried all the time and said they were mistreating her.

It was in that place that she met Augusta. This girl was five years older than she, and introduced her to filth that was of another kind than she had known about before. First of all, it involved faking that one was even sort of into dirt that one didn't want. Secondly it was much about pretending about this as though it meant one had been abused, which she told her, might even fool the personnel at the rehab centre they were at.

This the girls started doing together, thereby managing to get their personnel to believe they were actually caring and innocent girls who shouldn't be treated as though they really wanted to have sex.

By doing it they also achieved a goal of being moved to another place, one for girl who had been maltreated thoroughly so that they couldn't be themselves. When there, the two of them managed to convince the employees there to believe they were actually so innocent that there was no way they would have slept with all the guys they had, had it not been for the sexual abuse they had seemingly been victims of.

It was not until more than one year later that the rehabilitation helpers learned that it was a fake that they were not horny. Because then it was discovered that the two of them were out for fun when they managed to be free from rehab-personnel supervision. Thereby they were scolded and put under more thorough supervision. To the extent they complained, the personnel scolded them again.

But after one more half year, the two of them managed, even so, to convince two employees to help them with pretending that they needed the rehab of actually learning what it was to really be sexual on one's own accord. This they did by first convincing one of them that there was nothing to them that she would not also be about, had she been put to this rehabilitation home. With her help they also convinced another employee that she too could have been wanting the same stuff that Cecilia and Augusta wanted.

After two more months upon this, the two of them managed to get the policy changed for the rehabilitation home. From now on it would thereby be allowed for patients to go out and spoil themselves to the extent they were aware that they could go wrong if they did. Thereby they would again be able to go out every now and then, those two patient girls.

Even so, they felt that the rehabilitation home was an unfair punishment for being “imbecile”, as they nowadays put it. So they eventually asked for even more freedom. That is, they faked that they deserved the right to pretend as if something about their longing for the guys they met when out for fun. This they managed to convince their personnel that they should be allowed to do.

Moreover, they now managed also to gain support for their (so-called) responsible attempts to make the rehabilitation program better. For this they were awarded with the freedom of actually going out and seeing whomever they wanted to, including even underage boys.

After a few weeks, however, it was reported that someone had infected a youngster with HIV. The two girls blamed each other, though both of them knew that only Cecilia had screwed him. Thereby Cecilia was finally sent to a rehab centre for those who had uncontrollable desires. But even there, the staff got manipulated by her, this time into believing she would not want ever to screw someone below her level of sexual readiness, and thereby shouldn't be viewed as the one to blame for that young boys interest in her. They thereby sent her to a place for females that weren't able to manage to keep away from boys who wanted them.

At this clinic, she managed to get some of the personnel to have her seem fit for being the kind of girl who should have a husband soon. A few months later, they therefore introduced her to a guy named Chuck, who was almost as old as she. They said the two of them would match one another.

Fairly soon after this, Cecilia and Chuck moved in together to an training apartment for rehab patients, who seemed fairly good at having the ideals that a normal member of society should have. It was not until then that Chuck noticed that she was trivial about sexually exposing herself for men and boys she met. This he wasn't. But, he did not manage to have it she was so bad that he did not match her, even so. Thereby, Chuck and Cecilia eventually got married, and thereby Cecilia faked that she wouldn't really ever have slept around without the manipulation of the “baddies” of guys that she had been “forced to” sleep with when she was younger.

But, one time, about ten years later, when she had recently slept with some dude she had met, it was discovered. In the turmoil upon this, he divorced her, and thereby Cecilia and her mother blackmailed him as well. Thereby, Cecilia managed to make another stud sympathise with her, and marry her. But he eventually also discovered her to be unfaithful, in spite of her own ways of saying that she had so much against infidelity and thereby those bastard guys she had had before. Thereby this fellow stole her wallet, checks and some jewellery she had from her, and left.

She went to the police, who found the guy. But he said that he hadn't touched her wallet, or anything, and that she must have had some other guy with her who stole that stuff. The police doubted him and therefore asked Cecilia if she had had any other guys there, which she denied. But when they checked around for fingerprints, there seemed to have been around twenty different people there.

Shocked by this, Cecilia pretended that these people had been invited there by the recent ex that she also accused of stealing from her, but now could imagine, she said, that he was just an imbecile who let other people in there - and they stole it!

After a very thorough investigation, it stood clear that Cecilia was a hard-headed nymphomaniac and a probably very thorough liar. It also stood clear that she had so many boyfriends that it would be impossible to ever determine who had stolen from her. Even so, she managed to convince the police that she wasn't the type of girl who would herself ever steal, thereby drawing attention from her own faults to those of whoever stole from her.

Due to this, she was again put to rehab. This time around, she managed to find a boyfriend there, with whom she could run away. The thrill of this amused her very much, and the two of them even robbed people in order to make a living. Thereby, she was eventually discovered as the complete fake she always been. But she seemed now to be, even so, very very mistreated by the guys she had been with!

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