“I shall arrange a meeting with you this afternoon!” the old lady said to her. “I'll see to it that no one knows we're here! And thereby you'll be safe from them, your parents!”
“Thank you!” the young girl said to her.
“Good! Then I'll see to it that no one interferes with out business together!”
“Good! Now go to school and pretend to be attentive, or be as your usual self that is, whether that is attentive or not!”
“I will!”
“Good girl!” the old lady answered and tapped her lightly on the shoulder.
The girl smiled. “I will go here this afternoon and meet you, and then I will never see my parents again!”
“That's right! Now, off you go! Don't forget you have a school to attend to!”
She went. After seven hours, they met again in a park near where they had spoken the first time. The old lady said that now they were going to see to it that she got herself a family, but that it would be of the kind you want, not they, she told her.
The girl nodded. She answered that she agreed, as she had said before, that both her parents, as well as her teachers were to strict with her.
“Thereby,” the old lady continued, “I will see to it that they learn a lesson on how not to treat their young child!”
The girl smiled. “Yes, thank you Clara! We will learn, I and that friend of mine who you say already is with you, how to cope with the real-life situations of there being total attachment and care for one another in the sense that we will try to permit ourselves to everything there is to be done against your parents and so! If you're with me, you'll follow these instructions once I get you home with me!”
“Okay, I'm ready to obey!”
“I will teach you how to be a daughter of a sophisticated person who doesn't give in to pressures on her from those who moralize against her worship of the female body as the temple of everything there is to be dealt with as a good woman of sensuality and consideration!”
“I see!”
“I will thereby embarrass you with that you're guilty of satisfaction with your parents if you don't worship me and my body as they worshipped you and your aspiration for smartness for their cunning!”
“You do that!”
“Okay! You come with me now! I have a car parked right over here!” She grabbed her hand and led her to an ordinary-looking vehicle that stood under a tree nearby. When there opened a back door and said: “Now you get in the back, because I don't want any front-seat passengers when I'm on the road!”
“Okay,” the girl said, and got in.
The lady closed and locked that door, after which she seated herself in the driver's seat.
“From here on,” she said while she was driving, “I will commend you to take off your clothes every time you otherwise seem to be unfit for an occasion of being mutual about our friendship! You and I will spend the nights together and you and I will forever bond for the spirit of being sexual in a woman's way!”
“I know!”
“Okay then. Thereby I shall commend you to start saying to yourself that you should be on my side against the police if ever they discover what we do together! If you don't do that, I will commend you to hell!”
“I will!”
“Thereby,” she continued while turning into a small road through a seemingly huge forest, “you and I shall have so much fun that we cannot see the end of this spectacular adventure together!”
“Hmhh!” the girl answered.
“Okay, girl!” she said while her car pushed into the woods. “Thereby you and I shall have the grace and honour of being together in the forest, and I will also have with me four or five other girls of about your age, who have come with me in just about the same way!”
“I know! You already told me Jill was with good company!”
The old lady smiled smugly. “Yes! She is! And you will meet her there I assure you!”
About five minutes later the car made a turn into a driveway. The lady drove the care far up the lane, then parked and got out. She opened the door for the little girl, and told her to step out, which she did, gladly saying to herself that this would be the uttermost freedom form her parents and school. From there on she would be treated as a teenager, she thought, which was an honour, because she was only eleven.
As she got out, she also saw some other girls, playing in the yard. Two of them were naked. The other two were barely dressed, one in jeans that didn't seem to fit; so she had left them unbuttoned. The other one was wearing barely knickers, which seemed infatuated by her amusement of being there.
The little girl went to the other children and asked what they were playing.
“Okay, I'll introduce you” one of them said. “I am playing the guy who should rape one of these girls, and each of them is trying to avoid me. At the same time, she must obey me once I happen to touch her on the spot where she can seem to be interested in amusing the kinds of commanders that will otherwise touch her in the below spot of clarity on how to make her be an imbecile at being in power over the self and her virtue of sanity!
“To the extent,” she continued, “that girl doesn't stand for that it's sanity she thereby ventures, she must let me rub it until she feels insane anyway!”
The little girl looked at the girl who had spoken to her. She was about to years older than herself. She seemed a bit indignant over not having seemed conscious of her arrival. Then, also over that she seemed, perhaps, to be playing the game just for the sake of pretending the three other girls were slaves to be had, of some kind.
Looking at the older girl, the newly arrived one said: “I'm Sheila. I came here today because I wanted to run away from my parents. I wonder to the extent you can't explain it for me, why the three of them then don't stay further away from you?!”
The older girl answered: “That's because they aren't allowed to move much away from here unless they are clearly into begging for loosing their sanity, so to speak!”
“Okay! Then I'll come back and play later! Because now I want my introduction to where I should stay and so!”
The old lady looked at her. “Yeah! I'll give you your introduction! But first you must learn how to play this game! I will see to it that you and the other girls don't miss out on something for the sake of me being too kind to you all!”
So Sheila made the effort there was to make for learning how to play the game. But then she was ordered to play it for about an hour, before she got to look at her room. Before that happened, she learned that the game was about trying to fit in with those who cannot control their sexual desires. She did not know this was going to be its purpose because she had thought it would be about trying to figure out a way to run away from that rapist.
When she was shown her room, it turned out that it was nothing but a corner of a room with four other beds. But her friend Jill's bed had been put very close beside hers. But as though that wasn't enough, two of the other girls' beds too had been put quite close to hers.
“I wonder where the fifth child sleeps then!? I see only four beds!”
“It's always one who must choose one of the others for sleeping with her!” the old lady answered.
Meanwhile, there was another car driving up the long lane into the backyard. Through the window, Sheila could see a van and then two men, apparently, who got out of it. One of them was wearing glasses, the other one not, but looked instead rather sophisticated, with a tie and some (presumably high-quality) pants to go with it.
Another woman came towards them from the house. She greeted them and then they exchanged packages. After both had checked what was in there, the two men left.
“That's our unit for the service that will provide you with eternal life, honey!” the old lady told Sheila.
After a few minutes the woman Sheila had just seen through the window was there and said hello to her. “Hello!” Sheila answered without realizing the tone of voice she had seemed constrained.
“Why so uptight?” the new woman asked, and petted Sheila's little cheek.
Sheila didn't know what to say, so she just stepped away and then asked what there was in the package. While waiting for the answer she noted that this woman was even just half the age of the old lady who had driven her to this place. But she looked awfully rough and obnoxious, somehow, she thought about her as she stood and watched her unravel the package. But seeing this made her feel safe, somehow, just the same. she noted.
After the package was opened, the ladies fed Sheila with a spoon of white powder. “This will make you feel very much better! And it will help you play their games better than before, I assure you!” the old lady said.
After a while the drug had taken effect, and Sheila felt all good about her environment and wanted to cuddle anyone, it seemed, in her environment. She even started cuddling with the two grown-ups right beside her, who smiled and said, this was the way she was going to feel for the time she stayed in this environment.
After having cuddled with them for two hours, Sheila was let back out in the garden. She then started playing like the four other kids. After a few hours, she grew tired of the game and asked: “Aren't we going to do anything but this?!”
The girl who had first introduced her to the game looked at her and said: “No, I don't think we can be allowed to deal with ourselves as not being smart at holding up an air of caring for one another the way we fear that men will start caring for us unless we do this stuff!”
“I don't feel like playing the exact same game just over and over! Now, show me something of a little adventure with some other stuff to do around here!”
“Okay, I'll show you something!” the girl responded and then took her arm and led her to another part of the, rather park-like, area there was around the house. When there she stood beside her and whispered: “Here you shall take your softness of enthusiasm to the limit! Watch how I do it!” With that the older girl started masturbating. Sheila recognized what she was up to, and then she looked up at a tree, and saw a camera there. She looked around to see if there was another one there, but she didn't find any.
The girl who had tried to introduce her to masturbating now said loudly to her: “You've got to pay attention to how I'm doing it! I will now show you how to alleviate yourself to the extent that you will feel good and gracious, and you will not look up in the trees! Because, if you do, then the rapist I portray is going substantiate in me, and I will have to teach you by brute force that is!”
Sheila said to her that there was a camera up there in the tree, and that she had just happened to see it, and then looked around for another one.
The girl looked up in the tree. With a surprised face she said: “Oh, my God! The guys must have found a way to get into the garden! But just wait until I tell the warden on them!”
But when they spike to the old lady she said that she was the warden of the building and that she herself wanted the camera up there. It was not she who forgave the two children who had discovered it. Instead she locked them into a basement and fed them so little that they starved to death!
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