Monday, July 25, 2016

How I Feel about Murdering an Ex

“They're all acting like imbeciles!” Matthew said. He was lying on the sofa, speaking to his wife.

“I don't feel they're acting that weirdly! Rather, I feel they can't relate to the problems you have presented for them!”

“It's not about us! It's about them! Somehow they must have killed our son, and as they don't seem guilty we have to find a way to pretend as if something about the way they can pretend as if nothing about it!”

“I presume you don't feel that evil is a seemingly imbecile way to be?! I mean, they can act weirdly, but I cannot find them to be of any smartness for that kind of sophistication! Moreover, they don't seem weird enough to me for the might that it takes to actually kill a man! I mean they're only two girls, who seem almost as innocent as they say they are!”

“That's exactly my problem with it! You know, the police even found fingerprints from one of them, but she, and that other one too, says to them that she was in her kitchen only to find a way to tell him how to cook dinner while attending other interests at the same time! It seems so ridiculous that they would have to show him such a thing! And moreover, it's ridiculous to expect them to be there in his kitchen for it!”

“I know, but the law enforcement has also told us to say to ourselves that he intended to be screwing them and thereby pretended that he asked her and that other one there in order to find a way to get them to fuck him! It's not likely for me that he would want to screw them that bad! But still it seems unlikelier, even, that she would make up such a story just to be able to kill him! Moreover, as the police said, she isn't imbecile if she kills him exactly because he was too horny about her!”

“I know. But what if they try to fend of everyone by saying it's sexual in the first place! Perhaps he only let them in there for a joking attitude about them saying he couldn't be able to do that! Perhaps they are so cunning that we really don't see through their disguises - and that that'll be no matter what they have hidden behind their faking appearances!”

“Perhaps, then, you and I should go to the police and try to tell them that you believe they're hiding something form them! Perhaps it's you who should be the one to watch out for them, because if they're that clever, then no one really can go safe around here from them!”

“I presume you don't feel like thinking about that they might also have accomplices, such as the girl that really wanted to screw him, but who denies now that she had anything to do with him!?”

“I presume you also think the guy who tried to get laid with him two weeks later also has something to do with that?!”

“It's not that! It's jus that I've been thinking of how she got herself pregnant, but even so can't seem to point to anyone as the father! Perhaps she just wanted those two to blame themselves as if they were trying to insult him, but that then they failed and thereby had to kill him, as a surface story! Perhaps in that case they are able to realize they are clever at pretending as if nothing about that they know about that other murderer, whom they disguise cleverly as someone who had nothing to do with it!”

“Oh! That's so pathetic to believe they are actually in conspiracy! Likewise it is pathetic to believe they are really trying to hide what that girl is about, and how she could have fancied the man without us really getting to know that about her, except for the little grin on his face when he saw her in town that day upon the funeral of his friend!”

“I suppose you don't think that grin was there because he believed that she would screw him only as long as he pretended to be someone else, and then you would be able to find that out just becasue you as his father know, somehow, by telepathy, that she somehow adored him and then wouldn't let it show!”

“Yes, that's exactly what I think!”

“Then how come I, who am his mother, can't find it in me to even think about that as likely?! I feel as though she was pretending as if something about him just because they had just met, and that then perhaps there aught to be a flirt with him or something!”

“Then you're full of imagination that I don't believe is into certainty about why she smiled like that for him! It couldn't be for that, because in that case she wouldn't have fancied him in the first place, and I could tell she fancied him from that smile upon his face!”

“I know, but how come they always seem to fancy the right guy for you to say that they aren't trying to be into saying that they want to get laid!? I will say to them that they don't seem pathetic aobut trying to catch every man they can get1 But at the same time, they seem to be pathetic about seeming to want to catch him!”

“I consider that to be an imbecile attitude! It's not about him that it is, that little smile on his face! He was smiling just because he knew they had already planned a meeting with each other around here, but that now she was over the limit of what would be kept hidden. I saw on that smile that he really knew that she was into him, but that she also feared that she would be into a reprisal from some ex or something if she showed it!”

“That could be true! But what then if that ex showed up in the park and tried to kill her just the same!”

“Then that'd be another problem! Because that's not how it is, that they come and show themselves all the time, those exes!”

“Then I shall be over with for this conversation is bringing me to start worrying about who actually endeavors about having sex seem ridiculous not to have!”

“I don't suppose you find that to be an insult against us males who don't presume every woman is just there to be taken, and that she, in that case, should be taken for the benefit of her belief in herself as the token of dignity that wold never get into filth and that would never scorn anybody for the sake of being into it!?”

“No! I don't find that to be anything of that kind of an insult!”

“I presume that you in that case had an orgasm about trying to look filthy, and not about trying to be into filth, the other day, when you spoke to me about the vagina being open for most part nowadays that you aren't into lust for the sake of pleasure anymore!”

“Exactly! I was into just showing my vagina to be into pleasure just for itself, and not for the sake of you or anyone else to be pleasuring it into being part of the party that you guys should have!”

“What's that got to do with that you don't seem fit to admit you're having sex for the filth of it!?”

“Oh! That's just because I don't want to confess to being a virgin anymore! I don't feel like confessing to being a virgin because I don't feel like being imbecile about feeling sexual! But I still don't feel I'm into sex for the sake of benefits for the stuff that you guys would be into to the extent you had the same things to deal with!”

“Then what about how you and I had one orgasm each about that call for the way of dealing with the penis as were it smart at being filthy at points where it tries to be self-sufficient and not to pretend it's in the way for me as I put my pants on?!”

“That's just because I don't have any confidence in myself as the one to pretend as if something about the penis being perfect at being unfilthy and I thereby feel that it isn't there for the purpose of showing what it is about, but for the purpose of showing everyone that it is there for being fucked!”

“But how do you believe the penis is about that?! It isn't about fucking so very much! It's about peeing and it's about showing itself to be real about none-horny attitudes as well as horny ones!”

“I don't believe the penis is very much to be had compared to my cunt, which is aobut trying to fuck all the time! It's only that when you guys try to fuck me then I'm about trying to have a penis seem ridiculous compared to my vagina!”

“Then how come they don't see to be into sex as much as the vagina?!”

“It's because they don't seem to be about my vagina as much as about their own sex! and my sex is much better in that they don't seem to obey the doubters of sexual capacities and the wishes of those people to make us react as though we didn't feel like being sadistic at times when we aren't very sadistic without sex!”

“Then what are you about when you try to tell me that I don't have a point in that those three girls were not conspiring?! I mean it's all about them conspiring that it could be, that girls, like you or they, cold find themselves to be into sadism for the sake of sex alone, and thereby not try to pretend as if something about their horniness about what they want for dessert once they had it!”

With that she gave up, and they called the police.

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